Wednesday, 16 September 2009

North Lincoln (US) @ Bar Sigma, Swansea

Wednesdsay 14th October 2009 - Bar Sigma, Swansea

North Lincoln
Fast paced Michigan punk three piece on No Idea Records, kind of like Small Brown Bike!

PJ Bond
Amazing acoustic guy from New Jersey, Austin Lucas' sincerity with a more Plan it X Records feel! Last minute addition!

The Death of Her Money (TBC.)
Heavy as shit three piece from Newport, bring your ear plugs.

Little Triggers
Swansea punk rock, like a gruffer more confused Millencolin.

This is at Bar Sigma, Swansea, it's over the road from the Potters Wheel (Wetherspoons) and just 100 yards up from Sin City. It's a 5 - 10 minutes walk from the train station and the walk is dead simplez. It looks a little bit like this, but more covered in booze and with a fenced area outside when there are shows...

Poster by Craig Horky, check out his work here, it's totally bad ass...

We also have a show coming up in November and a bunch more in the pipeline, check out the link in my signature for more details!

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