Wednesday, 28 January 2009

The 255s @ Bar Sigma...

The 255s
Piebald meets Lemuria from Manchester, fucking great demo out right now. Featuring Andy GI of Internet fame!

The Amistad
Punk Rock like Dauntless Elite or something else gruff and northern, but better. Ex Four Dumb Kids

The Symptoms
Swansea Punkers, been around since / born in 2003. Dan and Morg haven't replied to texts etc. yet, so they're only tbc.

Cheers to Jamie Arteries for the giraffe, sorry for potentially wrecking it with my rubbish attempt at a flyer : )

We've got a bunch of other good shows coming up too, they are...

Saturday 14th March - The 255s, The Amistad & The Symptoms (tbc.) @ Bar Sigma
Wednesday 25th March - Static Radio (US) & The Arteries @ The Strand
Wednesday 8th April - Bastion, Just Panic & Peachfuzz (tbc.) @ Coyote Bar
Wednesday 6th May - Virgins (US), The Computers & Dead Rails @ Coyote Bar
Wednesday 13th May - Cheap Girls (US) , Chillerton (tbc.) & Markers (tbc.) @ Coyote Bar

Coming Soon... The Cut Ups, Marshall Teller & The Groundnuts and Independents

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